We are STEM environmental scientists who study how the Earth works as a planet, what its history has been, and how this knowledge can be put to good use.

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Understanding Earth as a Coherent System

As curiosity-driven STEM scientists, we combine outdoor field work, laboratory analysis, and simulation modeling to come up with better answers for planetary interaction than possible from geology, biology, anthropology, climatology, and marine science alone.

As ethically-motivated environmental scientists, we help meet the human challenges of obtaining natural resources, mitigating natural hazards, and managing habitats, including those of humans. We overlap with the applied disciplines of engineering, agriculture, natural resources, law, public health, and business.

We examine planet Earth holistically by focusing on the interactions between its solids, liquids, gasses, organisms, and human activities in terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric settings.

We care about beautiful things like minerals, waters, landscapes, climates, ecosystems, rocks, fossils, glaciers, rivers, mountains, coasts, oceans, soils, sediments, volcanoes, and human creations.  They help us answer fundamental questions about the origin, habitability, and future of our planet and its neighbors.

The Department of Earth Sciences offers B.A. and B.S. degrees with Earth, Environment, and Atmosphere tracks as well as a Minor, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Please explore the website to learn more about our department!

Upcoming Events

  1. Oct 18 Earth Sciences Seminar Series: Mark Leckie 12:30pm
  2. Oct 25 Earth Sciences Seminar Series: Matt Winnick 12:30pm
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Professor Crespi teaching students about tectonics


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