John Ajayi
Ph.D. Student
I am mostly interested in a subdiscipline of Earth Sciences- Geochemistry, which involves studying the chemical pattern and signature of various Earth systems. My Ph.D. research is focused on organic molecular paleohypsometry, a new approach that will enable us to quantify the paleotopography of different mountain belts across different climates. This is because understanding the paleotopographic evolution of mountains can help us quantify the feedback among climate, erosion, and tectonics. For this study, I will be working on the tectonic evolution of Taiwan orogen, extracting, and measuring the isotopic composition of some organic molecular biomarkers of plant leaf preserved in synorogenic sediments.
I love exploring nature and different landscapes (which is how I found my interest in Earth sciences).
- B.Tech.: Geology at Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA)- Nigeria
- Michael Hren | |
Office Location | Beach Hall 248 / 304 |