Neil Redmond
Visiting Assistant Professor
I am a paleoceanographer, reconstructing ancient oceans through a combination of understanding modern chemical distributions and deep sea marine sediments. I research samples from extremely remote locations in the oceans, such as chemistry around hydrothermal vents, marine particles from the middle of tropical oceans, and at the rocks at the very bottom of the Southern Ocean. My research topics have been how hydrothermal vents affect large-scale ocean chemistry, the use of phytoplankton microfossils to trace past glacial periods, the reconstruction of ancient ocean chemistry, circulation, and carbon storage, and modern/past cycling of geochemical tracers and isotopes.
I am an extremely outgoing science communicator; I once wrote a children’s book instead of an abstract for a conference! I teach classes designed to improve scientist’s ability to engage and do outreach.
- Ph.D: Marine Science at University of Southern Mississippi
- M.S.: Oceanography at University of Rhode Island
- B.S.: Geology and Geological Oceanography at University of Rhode Island
- ERTH 2050W: Communication Earth and Environmental Science
- ERTH 2310E: Creating and Sustaining National Parks
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