Tim Byrne
I am primarily interested in integrating structural geology and tectonics through field studies of modern and ancient orogenic belts. My students and postdocs have worked in Mesozoic and Cenozoic orogens in Alaska and Japan as well as Archean orogens in Canada and Australia. I’ve also participated and co-lead ocean-drilling expeditions to active subduction zone in the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan. Most recently our group, including Jean Crespi and Will Ouimet, have focused on active mountain building in Taiwan where there is unique a intersection of structural geology, tectonics and geomorphology.
- Ph.D.: Earth Sciences at University of California, Santa Cruz
- B.S.: Geology at University of Washington
- ERTH 3030: Structural Geology
- ERTH 4330: Active Tectonics
- ERTH 4999: Field Studies in Taiwan: Earth Sciences and Geohazards
- ERTH 4999: Revealing Rock Secretes through Thin-sections
- ERTH 1070: Natural Hazards

timothy.byrne@uconn.edu | |
Office Location | Beach Hall 230 |
Link | Research Website |