Month: July 2021

Science Has No Measure for Strength of Prayer

By Dr. Robert Thorson Prayer doesn’t work. That’s what some atheists are saying about the largest and most careful study of intercessory prayer ever done. Prayer works. That’s what everyone else knows in their hearts, regardless of whether they can prove it or not. What would Jesus do? He would probably laugh at the controversy, […]

A Sign of Life in the Bowels of the Earth

By Dr. Robert Thorson The great earthquake that struck coastal Chile on Feb. 27 is becoming old news, at least for those not directly affected. With the immediacy of human suffering and the blitz of disaster recovery fading, the time has come to draw an important lesson. Earthquakes are an epiphenomenon. If epicenter can be […]

Politics Catches Up With Climate Change

By Dr. Robert Thorson Finally, the federal climate watchdogs got it right. The just-released U.S. National Climate Assessment avoids pie-in-the-sky abstractions like “saving the planet before it’s too late” and instead concentrates on regional changes affecting our lives today. This regional approach is tacit proof that climate politics have finally caught up with climate science. […]

Little Lost Planet

By Dr. Robert Thorson Planet Pluto has been demoted. This is great news because it demonstrates that science is more of a process than a product, more method than body of knowledge. New information always accumulates until a tipping point is reached, at which point the conceptual world is reorganized. No longer will Pluto be […]

On West Coast, Two Versions of ‘the Big One’

By Dr. Robert Thorson Has the recent disaster in Japan made you jittery about large earthquakes and tsunamis? Are your family and friends waiting for the next “Big One” somewhere along the U.S. Pacific Coast? If you’re concerned about earthquake magnitude and tsunami potential, then I suggest you focus your thoughts northward, away from central […]

Connecticut Must Retreat From the Shore

By Dr. Robert Thorson Shore Up Connecticut is a policy mistake. A state loan program named Shore Back Connecticut would make more sense because retreat from the coast is the only viable long-term option. Recent developments in Antarctica have made this crystal clear. As I write, the edge of the Thwaites Glacier is thinning and […]

No Stone Unturned

By Dr. Robert Thorson When is a rock not a rock? When you pass through airport security. Then it becomes a potential weapon, one capable of bringing an airplane down. I’m mad. I can think of a better way to combat terrorism than taking mineral specimens away from geologists traveling to their conferences. I suggest […]