Accelerated M.S. Program
Accelerated B.S. to M.S. in Environmental Earth Sciences
Over the next decade, there will be significant growth in the number of earth scientists needed to fill positions in the rapidly evolving fields of earth and environmental consulting, surface and groundwater quality and management, and climate change adaptation science. Students in our accelerated program have the opportunity to earn their M.S. degree with just one additional year of coursework beyond the B.S. program in Earth Sciences at UConn. Completion of the accelerated B.S. to M.S. program, followed by work in the environmental field, prepares students to pursue certification as a Licensed Professional Geologist or Environmental Professional in New England and beyond. If you are interested in launching a career in the environmental sector, our accelerated program could be a great match for you!
Program Details
The Accelerated B.S. to M.S. in Environmental Earth Sciences was launched in 2023 to support students looking to enter the field of Earth and Environmental Consulting. The program is intended for UConn students entering their junior year of college who are able to enroll in up to 12 credits of coursework while they simultaneously complete their B.S. degree requirements. The remaining credits are taken during an additional year as graduate students in the M.S. program. Students will gain experience with data acquisition and analysis to provide real-world training in how earth and environmental scientists collect, analyze and interpret data. Students will also be exposed to classroom and field training centered on the theme of Water, Climate and the Environment.
*** The GRE is not required! ***

Current UConn juniors and external candidates can apply to the program via the online application on the Graduate School's website. Potential applicants are urged to meet with an undergraduate academic advisor to assure that they can fulfill all of their existing B.S. requirements while beginning their M.S. study. Students are not required to take the GRE.
Application Instructions for Current UConn Undergraduates
How to Apply
First Application Process
- Visit the Graduate School’s Application Management web page.
- Click “Create an Account to start a new application.”
- Create account.
- Follow instructions to get a temporary PIN.
- Set your password.
- Click “Start a new application.”
- Under the question “To which type of program are you applying?” choose “Non-Degree Graduate.”
- In the “Intended Program” section choose “UConn Accelerated UG to Grad,” then choose “Earth and Environmental Sciences MS.”
- Fill out the application.
Second Application Process
You can submit a second application once you have filled out you B.S. Plan of Study and are ready to graduate with your undergraduate degree. This second application will finalize your admissions and officially enroll you as a graduate student.
- Visit the Graduate School’s Application Management web page.
- Click “Log in to continue an application.”
- Log in using the password you created the first time you applied.
- Click “Start a new application.”
- Fill out demographic information and then under “To which type of program are you applying?” click “Master’s.”
- Under “Application Management” click on “In Progress Application.”
- Click “Continue” at the end of the informational page.
- Under the "Intended Program” section, for “Levels of Study” choose “Masters,” for “Academic Areas” choose “Natural Sciences,” and for “Program” choose “Earth and Environmental Sciences M.S.”
- Fill out an application using the information you submitted the first time you applied.
- This time you’ll need to pay the application fee.
Application instructions for UConn Alumni or Graduates from Another Institution
How to Apply
Note that this is a coursework Master’s Program (Plan B). Students in this program are not considered for financial support via Graduate Assistantships or Fellowships. Students interested in a traditional program should apply for the M.S. or Ph.D. in Geological Sciences.
Application Process
- Visit the Graduate School’s Application Management web page.
- Click “Create an Account to start a new application.”
- Create account.
- Follow instructions to get a temporary PIN.
- Set your password.
- Click “Start a new application.”
- Fill out demographic information and then under “To which type of program are you applying?” click “Master’s.”
- Under the "Intended Program” section, for “Levels of Study” choose “Masters,” for “Academic Areas” choose “Natural Sciences,” and for “Program” choose “Earth and Environmental Sciences M.S.”
- Fill out an application.
- There will be an application fee.
Costs and Fees
Costs and Fees
- Students enrolled in the fifth-year master’s program will face no additional costs as undergraduates. The price of the credits that will count toward the master’s degree are included in their existing fees and tuition.
- While fees vary year-by-year, the costs of the fifth (M.S.) year include the general University fee, the infrastructure fee, the graduate flat fee, and the in-state tuition for nine or more course credits. For more information, please visit the Bursar's Office website.
- You may well be eligible for continued financial aid. To find out, please visit the financial aid website.
- Students in this program are not considered for departmental support via Graduate Assistantships or Fellowships.