
Faith Trumps All On Human Origins, Most Think With Their Hearts

By Dr. Robert Thorson Darwinian evolution comes straight from the head. Biblical creationism comes straight from the heart. Intelligent design also comes from the heart, but is routed through the head. That’s what makes it more dangerous. It’s belief masquerading as thought. A sequel to the famous Scopes “monkey trial” is now underway in Dover, […]

Mother Nature is Not Out to Get You

By Dr. Robert Thorson The mop-up after mid-August’s Hurricane Charley took place on many fronts. There was grieving for lives lost. There were homeowners returning to personal disaster. There was an influx of insurance adjusters, health officials, scam artists, hazard investigators and so on. Finally, there were journalists shifting the blame for the destruction to […]

The Fearful Practice of Treating Global Warming as Fiction

By Dr. Robert Thorson In late December, I resolved to read Michael Crichton’s new novel, “State of Fear,” which suggests that global warming is little more than hot air. By mid-January, I skipped my resolution, having leafed through the book, read a few reviews and monitored for scientific reactions. Crichton is correct about many […]

Getting a Measure of The Ocean’s Warming

By Dr. Robert Thorson Climate scientists can sleep a little better at night, thanks to Tim Barnett and his colleagues at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. Their results, Barnett said last month, “should wipe out much of the uncertainty about the reality of global warming.” What his team […]

Thanks for the Mysteries

By Dr. Robert Thorson Columnists are teased for being know-it-alls. I have three responses. First, I don’t know everything. Second, you don’t either. Third, I’m thankful there are things neither of us know. Otherwise, scientists would cease to exist. In honor of my existence, I’ll share a holiday meal with you. I’m not talking about […]

Darfur’s Drumbeat of Disaster

By Dr. Robert Thorson There’s nothing like an old-fashioned natural disaster to cast a news shadow over the human disasters we inflict on ourselves. Consider the genocide in Darfur, a province in western Sudan. In late 2004, the United Nations was treating the disaster in Darfur as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Then along came […]

Have Faith; Together We Can Weather The Storm

By Dr. Robert Thorson `You think it’s hot here?” That was the title of an August sermon being advertised on a church-front sign in my town. It went up in response to this summer’s month-long heat wave. Remember the clammy humidity? The parched grass? The lethargy? The preacher’s question, of course, begs another: Where is […]

Effort to Revive Extinct Pigeon Misspent

By Dr. Robert Thorson Practically everyone has heard of the nursery rhyme “Humpty Dumpty,” and knows how it ends: “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men / Couldn’t put Humpty together again.” Indeed, many natural systems, once broken, can never be put back together again. But this hasn’t stopped visionary conservationists from trying […]