State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Cobble or fragment of milky quartz stained with hematite. Likely a vein, but possibly quartzite. Identification verified by survey staff.
- Classification
Hydrothermal. Vein. Quartz.
- Location & Occurrence
Location unknown. Likely from Appalachian Paleozoic rocks to the east. Alternatively, though far less likely, it's a river cobble from the Mississippi River drainage. Internet search suggests the possibility this specimen is the Hollis Quartzite of the Pine Mountain Group, which fits the USGS description of "quartzite containing minor mica, feldspar, and pyrite; locally arkosic; commonly sheared."
- Geologic Age
- Geoheritage
A very un-representative specimen for the state, which is mainly Cenozoic coastal plain. Such rock can often be knapped into stone tools.
- Links
USGS Compilation: Enter Alabama in search box in upper right. Geological Investigations page from Geological Survey of Alabama. Hollis Quartzite? from USGS.
- Other
Click here for an explanation of categories and illustrations
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming - Specimen Number