State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Large cut and polished block of "Texas Pink," a pink granite from the Llano uplift of central Texas, according to survey staff at University of Texas. Note inscription "TEXAS PINK" on block. The USGS identifies it as a quartz-plagioclase-microcline pluton.
- Classification
Igneous. Plutonic. Granitic. Granite. Pink.
- Location & Occurrence
Identified as the Town Mountain Granite, from central Texas, the Llano Uplift. Granite Mountain is an exfoliation dome, a bornhardt. Rock, also known as "sunset red," is quarried west of Marble Falls, Texas.
- Geologic Age
- Geoheritage
This rock was used to build the Texas state capitol in Austin and the Galveston Sea Wall. This was a wall with jetties up to 5 miles long completed in 1898 just before it was destroyed by America's most deadly hurricane in 1900. The jetties were built to prevent sedimentation in the shipping channel, which forced a process of ship-offloading called "lithtering."
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for Texas in upper right. Link to Bureau of Economic Geology . Link to USGS Description.
- Other
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