State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Fractured block of massive, uniform, cream-colored limestone with irregular brown inclusions. Appears grainy in close-up as a clast-supported carbonate sand composed mostly of shell fragments, most of which are elongated. A grainstone. Many detrital fossil fragments possibly with some minor silicate sand. Resembles the famous nearby Salem Limestone in texture and composition. Nowhere it visibly oolitic.
- Classification
Sedimentary. Limestone. Grainstone.
- Location & Occurrence
Unknown. Shallow seas with currents to form carbonate sandstone. A search for the similar "Salem Limestone" results in: "cross-bedded calcarenite.... Individual grains are mostly microfossils ..."
- Geological Age
Mississippian (?)
- Geoheritage
This is the pavilion's stand-in for the Salem Limestone, which was intensively quarried and shipped via railroad to produce much of the architectural dimension stone in the United States.
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for Indiana in upper right. Link to Indiana Geological & Water Survey. Similar to Salem Limestone.
- Other
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