State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Block of roughly quarried gray granite with pink alkali feldspars. Verified by Maine Geological Survey. Crimson-colored stains blotch the rock in the vicinity of pink feldspars but grow over other crystals.
- Classification
Igneous. Plutonic. Granitic. Granite.
- Location & Occurrence
Likely from Aroostook County because that name is carved on the county's icon, a potato carved into the specimen. But the rock is common enough to have been collected from many places in Maine and other states. The state survey was reluctant to suggest a specific source. Mount Katahdin, a laccolith intrusion of granite located in Aroostook county, is underlain by such rock, and is thus a plausible source.
- Geological Age
Acadian orogeny, with widely scattered dates from 388-414 Ma (USGS source below)
- Geoheritage
Plausibly from Katahdin Granite, core of northern Appalachians, the rock on which Henry D. Thoreau experienced a widely known epiphany about the role of humans in the universe. Nearby Millinocket was reportedly the fastest growing city in the US in the 1930s.
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for Maine in upper right. Link to Maine Geological Survey. Link to USGS describing Katahdin.
- Other
Quoting the Hartford Courant 1937, specimen 17 is a "granite on which had been carved a potato bearing the carved word 'Aroostook.'" .
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