State by State


  • Specimen Number


  • Description

    Pink-to-maroon colored, chisel-cut block of massive sandstone. No obvious bedding or fracturing.

  • Classification

    Sedimentary.  Sandstone. Eolian.

  • Location & Occurrence

    Identified by state survey at Univ. Nev. Reno as a "sandstone, probably the Aztec Sandstone, ...a quartz-rich eolian sandstone...correlates to the Navajo Sandstone of the Grand Canyon and Utah, and may have been collected from a sandstone quarry in Red Rock national Conservation area [Mohave Desert] outside of Las Vegas.

  • Geological Age

    Early Jurassic

  • Geoheritage

    Quarried and used for buildings in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Documents a vast erg desert in North America.  Fossil dune field is a host to pterosaur fossils.

  • Links

    USGS Compilation: Search for Nevada in upper right.  Link to Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology.

  • Other

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Specimen stone for Nevada.
Closeup of Nevada Outline of Nevada Geo Map of Nevada