State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Boulder of reddish brown sandstone. In closeup the heterogeneous composition of grains is visible, suggesting arkose. Common voids (vugs) where grains have weathered out. Locally muddy and(or) pervasively hematite stained. Locally black with manganese (?) oxides, indicating permeability.
- Classification
Sedimentary. Sandstone. Arkose.
- Location & Occurrence
Quick search for redbeds in Oklahoma reveals many Permian-era terrestrial deposits in south-central portions of the state. We follow this assumption.
- Geological Age
Permian (?)
- Geoheritage
The finer-grained members of such rocks were famous fossil-hunting grounds for the early dinosaur hunters like Edward Drinker Cope (1870s) and Alfred Romer (early 20th century).
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for Oklahoma in upper right. Link to Oklahoma Geological Survey.
- Other
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