State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Block of highly vesicular basalt. Vesicles unfilled and strongly aligned vertically as mounted, indicating highly gas-rich and hot magma during quick cooling. Possibly some lobes to left. Identification by state survey staff.
- Classification
Igneous. Volcanic. Extrusive. Basalt. Vesicular.
- Location & Occurrence
Lava flow of recent origin, likely in southeast part of of state where crustal extension, thinning, and normal faulting is occurring.
- Geologic Age
Quaternary (?)
- Geoheritage
Gas rich basalt magma is the dominant source of CO2 in the atmosphere, and thus a cause of climate change. This sample provides visual proof of that process.
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for California in upper right. Link to California Geological Survey.
- Other
The specimen was mounted with vesicles pointing upward in their natural state. Was this deliberate or accidental?
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