State by State
New Jersey
- Specimen Number
- Description
Rounded boulder of massive, brown, resistant sandstone. Verified by state survey.
- Classification
Sedimentary. Sandstone. Arkose.
- Location & Occurrence
Staff says likely from the "red beds that occupy a northeast/southwest trend across central and northeastern New Jersey," part of the Newark Supergroup, rift-basin.
- Geologic Age
Triassic. There are no other rocks so undeformed that would qualify, though this seems unusually well cemented.
- Geoheritage
Newark Group associated with breakup of Pangea and correlated with rocks from Georgia to Newfoundland, including the Connecticut specimen stone (#6).
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for New Jersey in upper right. Link to Division of Water Supply and Geoscience .
- Other
Specimen seems much harder and more cemented than the Newark Rocks from Connecticut. But the color and texture is otherwise identical.
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