State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Rust-colored block of pure sandstone identified as the Massillon sandstone by staff of the state survey. From the web, it's from the Pottsville Group, now outcropping along interstate 77 at mile 123.5 at Exit 123A for Waterloo Road in Akron, Summit County, Ohio. Collection of this specimen predates the Interstate Highway System and most U.S. road miles.
- Classification
Sedimentary. Sandstone. Red.
- Location & Occurrence
The Pottsville Formation is a cliff-former and a classic molasse rock, meaning deposition from rising mountain ranges.
- Geological Age
Early Pennsylvanian (Pottsville).
- Geoheritage
The description focusses on road-crop, which were very rare in the early 1930s during collection. The drilling and blasting for roads created countless new opportunities for geologists.
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for Ohio in upper right. Link to Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey .
- Other
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