State by State
- Specimen Number
- Description
Cut and polished slab of uniform gray granite. Identified by Vermont survey staff. It's "very likely that this granite slab is from the Rock of Ages Quarry in Barre, Vermont."
- Classification
Igneous. Plutonic. Granitic. Granite. Gray.
- Location & Occurrence
Part of the New Hampshire Plutonic Suite.
- Geological Age
Devonian with a U/Pb age on zircon of ~364 Ma.
- Geoheritage
One of the most uniform of all rocks here, a very common ornamental dimension stone. Deepest granite hole quarry in United States, cut since 1885, mainly for gravestones. Quoting Atlas Obscura, "Most of America's granite headstones come from right here."
- Links
USGS Compilation: Search for Vermont in upper right. Link to Vermont Geological Survey. Description by Atlas Obscura.
- Other
Why is it that gray, a dull color, is chosen for cemetery stones?
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